At AHA Insight, we do it with you, not for you.

Great results happen by design. Our success engineering services are designed to help you and your team shine:
STRATEGIC ADVISORY – Our roster of expert advisors have led dozens of successful high-stakes change initiatives. To this, we bring expertise in organizational dynamics, innovation, and communication sciences to help inform your high-stakes decisions. How can this benefit me?
EXECUTIVE COACHING – Athletes and executives like Michael Dell have long known the value of coaching. Our powerful active inquiry questions help you see beyond the forest – like night vision goggles, they help you see clearly in what may feel like the dark. The result? You take smarter, more informed, accurately calibrated action every step of the way and make exceptional use of your valuable time. We provide confidential private coaching for top executives and senior leaders, and use action-learning approaches with teams that enable them to immediately apply new skills. How can this benefit me?

ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY – “Compliance” with your change is not enough – you need COMMITMENT from your stakeholders to succeed with your initiative. We complement your team twith proven approaches from the science of public relations and influence. We help you accurately map and chart the needed influence terrain, and generate and sustain the support you need from the people on whom your success depends. How can this benefit me?
EXPERT FACILITATION – When success requires 1) consensus among parties with differing and possibly even seemingly conflicting agendas or 2) the maximum insight possible from experts in limited time, expert facilitation is the game-changer. Our expert facilitators each have more than 10,000 hours of experience, and have designed and facilitated hundreds of consensus-based agreements valued at more than $1B that put initiatives on a path to “joint gain” results. How can this benefit me?
INTERVENTION OFFSITES – This is “911” for a project that is derailing – We help your executive team identify the steps you need to take right now to recover, repair key relationships, and keep it from happening again. If a project or initiative is not performing as envisioned or is at risk of running off the rails, our intervention offsite can help. How can this benefit me?
TRAINING AND SEMINARS – No matter what your business, you are in the business of change. Yet, while 8 out of 10 organizations train their staff to lead change, only 3 out of 10 prepare them well. We bring high-value, “no-fluff,” laser-focused approaches in the areas absolutely essential to your sustained success. Our dynamic faculty incorporate the latest in pragmatic brain-based cognitive learning and coaching models that create new possibilities for your leadership. Skills include leading change, influence, leading through conflict, consensus-building, strategic stakeholder engagement, and facilitation as core skills. Ask us about our customizable Certified Leadership Coach™ program to help you sustainably instill critical success skillsets throughout your organization. How can this benefit me?

DID YOU KNOW…Studies show that individuals increase productivity by an average of nearly 90 percent when training is combined with coaching, compared to less than 20% with training alone.
Contact us and get started TODAY with AHA Insight.